5.Configure the scene : Horde3D::setNodeTransform,
- I Dont want this?? I want it to load the translations from a file? This is what I'm asking. I have a perfectly good file that contains the transformation data, why would I want to set it in the engine if its all in a file ?
and never forget to ask your questions
Perhaps I'm not think the same way you are. Here are some question that would help me..
1) Can I see an example that loads the transformation from a file.
2) Volker's statement. "But you could add the scene file directly using addResource and addNodes. This way it would take the transformation of the root node." - Can I see this example?
This is how I understand in the knight file. And it does what you said.
Add resources, has..
Pipelines (
ok I get that ) Add the pipeline
Font (
self explanatory )
Logo (
self explanatory )
Environment (
adds the sphere model )
Knight (
adds the knight model ) and then his animation.
Particle (
adds the partical model )
Load resources (
simply goes out to the content path and loads the above. )
// Add environment
NodeHandle env = Horde3D::addNodes( RootNode, envRes ); //adds the resource to a handle
Horde3D::setNodeTransform( env, 0, -20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20, 20 );//(
POSITIONS the sphere, does not load the position from a file....)
// Add knight
_knight = Horde3D::addNodes( RootNode, knightRes );//adds the resource to a handle
Horde3D::setNodeTransform( _knight, 0, 0, 0, 0, 180, 0, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f );//(
POSITIONS the knight, does not load the position from a file....)
So my point? it sets the transformation in the game? If I open up the knight.scn ( that does not exit) and move the knight up 10 units, the engine would not reflect that. The engine should go out to a file and get the position data..
Siavash, I do appreciate your help, but I dont think we and understand each other. I hope to get this mystery solved. There has got to be a way to get the transformation data from a file..