Roland wrote:
Im using the Autodesk Collada exporter included in 3ds.
Here is a screenshot of the basic settings which should work.

Make sure you have the latest version of the exporter. There is an update button at the bottom of the exporter settings.
Also make sure you have the latest ColladaConv.exe.
I used again the thing reffered by you , After applying the options that you mentioned in the picture i get a .dae file
and then i convert that .dae file by the collada converter , which gives me 2 more files named .geo and .scene
1. but it still didnt give me any file named .anim , i mean animation is not obtained...
.scene file consists of this
<Model name="dooranim" geometry="dooranim.geo">
<Mesh name="Box001" material=
"D:\Tools\Horde3DEditor\bin\materials\platform\stones.material.xml" tx="-25" ty="0" tz="20" rx="-90" ry="0" rz="-0" batchStart="0" batchCount="72" vertRStart="0" vertREnd="35" />
<Mesh name="PivotDoor001" material="D:\Tools\Horde3DEditor\bin\materials\platform\stones.material.xml" tx="-40" ty="0" tz="-70" rx="-0" ry="90" rz="0" batchStart="72" batchCount="228" vertRStart="36" vertREnd="171" />
<Mesh name="PivotDoor002" material="D:\Tools\Horde3DEditor\bin\materials\platform\stones.material.xml" tx="1340.14" ty="-33.7619" tz="-238.621" batchStart="300" batchCount="108" vertRStart="172" vertREnd="247" />
2 .
where path to material that i highlighted is given any random material , although i didnt apply any material in my modeled wall or door that i tried exporting from max
Now when i add reference of dooranim it stucks horde3d editor ..
Problem is . A. Why i don't get animation with an extension .anim
B. Why i can't see the objects door and wall
Regards Elisbeth
Note :: I can see attached objects in the tree